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#10 / Hybrid

Dylan Freechild

I was born in Medford, Ore., as the only birth my mother gave in a hospital – her midwife wouldn’t let her have triplets at home. I am a triplet, once again trumping any claim to fame Jimmy Mickle thinks he has. I’m the youngest of the three. I have 10 siblings all together (all older). My mother and five of my siblings moved to Eugene in 1993 while my father, famed author of the Conversation With God series, remained in Southern Oregon.

I grew up in the hills of South Eugene and attended French immersion school but promptly dropped out five years later (it’s supposed to go through 12th grade) when I realized it required learning French. As a child, I played the violin but never got very good because I didn’t practice. I also played soccer and basketball growing up until high school. I enjoyed one more than the other and probably could’ve only played the one I liked less once I got to high school. So I opted to play ultimate, where practicing was only strongly encouraged, and I wasn’t going to get thrown around by bigger and better athletes. I ended up spending much more time and money on ultimate than I had originally intended to.

Throughout high school, I got thrown out of various high school basketball games, wrote passive aggressive articles in the school newspaper, made an inordinate amount of Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad and fell in love enough times to last me the rest of my life. In 2009, one of the most life-altering experiences occurred in the form of me purchasing a small pocket pug/beagle/dachshund/chihuahua. I named her Daisy originally but realized that would be a mistake and decided to run through all the winners of America’s Next Top Model to think of a girl’s name I might like and landed on Eva – ANTM Cycle 3 winner.

I attended the University of Oregon after high school and never really liked to do anything besides play ultimate. Quick hits from college: fell in love some more, 2014 NBA Playoffs first round series against the Houston Rockets, nexgen4lyfe, never got caught cheating, made semis more than Jimmy (or anybody else for that matter), Eva went to the vet a bunch, Go Ducks, Go Ducks, Go Ducks.

I currently live in Portland, Ore., with my dog and my girlfriend. Her name is Amy. She’s the best. Colin Camp once told me she was too good for me, and he was right. Outside of work (waiting tables at Produce Row Cafe) and ultimate, I disc golf, take selfies with my dog, rant about stuff on Twitter/Facebook, watch the NBA and eat lots of pasta. I love pasta.

Fun Facts:

  • I’m a triplet.
  • My dad is a New York Times Best Selling Author.
  • I can make my two big toes pop at will.

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